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Carbon-coated graphene–Cr2O3 composites with enhanced electrochemical performances for Li-ion batter
 Graphene-based Cr2O3 composites are prepared and exhibit better electrochemical properties
than free Cr2O3 particles without the graphene. The synthesis procedure consists of the
direct growth of CrOOH on the surface of graphene and the subsequent thermal decomposition
of CrOOH to Cr2O3. Moreover, the electrochemical properties of graphene-based
Cr2O3 are further improved through carbon coating, and two strategies are developed. Interestingly,
the carbon layers pyrolyzed from glucose on CrOOH can separate the particles on
the graphene and limit their growth, while those on Cr2O3 merely cover the particles and
cannot prevent particle aggregation. Consequently, compared to the latter carbon-coated
composite, the former shows further improved electrochemical behavior.
版权所有  阿美特克科学仪器部-普林斯顿及输力强电化学   备案号:沪ICP备14035568号-3

技术支持:化工仪器网    管理登陆    sitemap.xml

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